The BiblioFiles Presents: Victoria Ying

Just posted! A BiblioFiles interview with graphic novelist Victoria Ying, creator of City of Secrets and its sequel, City of Illusion.

In City of Secrets we meet two children, Ever Barnes and Hannah Morgan. Ever is an orphan, hiding in a massive, intricate jigsaw puzzle of a complex known as the Switchboard Operating Facility. He is befriended by Hannah, the daughter of the wealthy businessman who owns the facility. Soon, the two children discover the facility houses a secret that people are willing to kill for. With war escalating between the cities of Oskars and Edmonda, the race to uncover the secret becomes all the more urgent. And dangerous.

In City of Illusion, Ever and Hannah travel to a third city, Alexios, which specializes in illusions and magic. Unfortunately, villains are still on their trail, attempting to unlock the mystery that ties all three cities together. The stakes are huge, and the winner can gain enough power to conquer and control everything and everyone.

Ying’s graphic novels are incredibly stylish, with sweeping action and interesting visuals. Part espionage and part science fiction, her characters enliven the page, creating an experience that feels like you are turning the pages on a fast-paced film. Imaginative and intriguing, they absolutely deliver on adventure and heart.

In addition to her two full-length graphic novels, Ying has produced short stories, illustrated numerous picture books, and has been a developmental artist for Disney Studios and Sony, working on major films such as Frozen, Tangled, Big Hero 6, Moana, and Wreck-It Ralph.

Follow this link to the BiblioFiles interview

Image courtesy of Victoria Ying

The BiblioFiles Presents: Christine Day

Just posted! An interview with Christine Day, author of middle grade novels I Can Make this Promise, and her most recent release, The Sea in Winter. She was also a featured writer for Chelsea Clinton’s She Persisted series, specifically writing about Maria Tallchief, America’s first prima ballerina and citizen of the Osage Nation.

In I Can Make this Promise, we meet twelve year-old Edie, whose creative project with two friends leads to the discovery of a box in the attic of her house. Inside the box are photographs, postcards, a notebook, and letters that make her realize that her family has been hiding something major from her. The more she investigates, the more she learns about her mother’s past, and the complicated history of her family tree. I Can Make This Promise was listed as a best book of the year by NPR, and was a Charlotte Huck Award Honor Book, as well as an American Indian Youth Literature Award Honor Book.

The Sea in Winter is a story about Maise, who is devastated after she injures herself in ballet class. Ballet is her life, and she grapples with not only the pain of her injury, but the loss of the joy dancing brings her, as well as her connection to her friends. When Maise’s family takes a road trip, she finds herself confronting what her identity, both ballet and beyond, really means to her.

Day’s work has many layers. One layer is the story of her main characters as they struggle and overcome difficult and emotional experiences. Another layer is how these characters connect to their families for support and guidance. Yet another layer is how her characters connect to their identities as Native people. Day blends these layers together flawlessly and compassionately, allowing the reader to deeply engage and empathize. There are difficult truths in these books, but in Day’s talented hands, the reader gets through them, and, like the characters, emerges in a better, stronger place.

In addition to her novels, Day has contributed her work to two collections, Ancestor Approved: Intertribal Stories for Kids, and Our Stories, Our Voices: 21 YA Authors Get Real About Injustice, Empowerment, and Growing Up Female in America.

Follow this link to the BiblioFiles interview

Image courtesy of Christine Day

Hello, My Name Is…

Imagine you are a New York Times best-selling author with 11 books to your name, but no one knows your name? Your real name that is. Or your identity. In fact, your entire career is based on secrets, hiding, and anonymity. And then you decide to do the most amazingly brave thing imaginable. You come out.

World, please welcome Raphael Simon, a.k.a. Pseudonymous Bosch.

Simon’s new book, The Anti-Book (Penguin, 2021, illustrated by Ben Scruton), is the first under his own name. It follows the story of Mickey, an angry, unhappy, sensitive, and bullied middle schooler who wants the world to go away. It does. Epically.

Now Mickey must navigate this way through The Anti-World, which is basically his head wildly flipped, tripped, and turned inside out. It’s also story about identity, family, fear, and acceptance. All told with Simon’s signature irreverence, hilarity, and creativity.

The Anti-Book is an adventure story, but it’s also about identity. When you first conceptualized this book, did you see it as a journey through a fantastical place? Or a journey through identity? Or perhaps both?

At first, I had no idea what kind of journey it would be. For a long time, I was stuck, horribly stuck, at the stage where Mickey makes his world disappear. I had my tornado, so to speak—a magic book that erases anything written in it—but I had no Oz, let alone a yellow brick road to follow. The fantastical elements began to emerge when I decided that the things Mickey erased would reappear in opposite “anti” forms in the Anti-World, the first of these being the flyhouse (housefly in reverse).

But it was only when I started to map the Anti-World over Mickey’s emotions and memories—I was a bit influenced by the Pixar movie Inside Out, in this regard—that I really felt like I’d made a breakthrough. As the emotional dam broke for Mickey, the creative dam broke for me. Mickey is told that he’s gay, that he’s angry, he’s told a lot of things, but it’s only when he learns to identify his feelings for himself that he begins to recover from the trauma he’s experienced. He is still forging his identity when the book ends; the difference is he’s the one forging it.

The book is very personal, and draws from your own experiences as a 12 year-old. Was there a special significance in naming your main characters Mickey and Alice?

Mickey is named after the hero of my favorite picture book of all time: In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak. Like my Mickey, Sendak’s Mickey goes on a fantastical dream-journey that involves giant food items. (Milk and cake batter in the case of Sendak, Chocolate chip cookies in the case of the Anti-Book.) Come to think of it, In the Night Kitchen is also a story about identity. “I’M NOT THE MILK AND THE MILK’S NOT ME,” Sendak’s Mickey declares. “I’M MICKEY!”

Alice’s name also comes from a book about a topsy turvy, inside out adventure. Mickey’s big sister, who becomes his little big sister in the Anti-World, shrinking to the size of Mickey’s finger, is named after perhaps the most famous shrinking protagonist in literature. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has always loomed large in my imagination for reasons I’m not certain I could articulate, but I do remember my high school English teacher going on a furious rant one day about all the students who wrote papers comparing Alice’s rabbit hole adventure to a drug trip. I swear I never wrote a paper like that, but I did later in life claim that all my novels were typed by a rabbit. Make of that what you will.

Pink bubble gum plays a huge role in this book. In this case, it has evil associations. Why pink bubble gum?

As you might guess from reading the book, I have a love-hate relationship with bubblegum. I love chewing. I love popping bubbles. But I hate that slightly nauseated, I’m fed-but-not-full feeling that gum gives you. It was partly this feeling that I had in mind when I was writing. At the risk of sounding like the graduate student I once was, I see bubblegum as a metaphor for capitalist consumption: Gum creates a need where there wasn’t one, then fails to fill the need it has created. It’s a self-perpetuating marketing machine.

At the same time, there is a gendered aspect to the way bubblegum is portrayed in American culture. Mickey’s sister’s boyfriend bullies Mickey by telling him that gum is a “girl thing.” “Why ‘cause it’s pink?” Mickey responds. “That’s stupid […] Gum isn’t a girl thing or a guy thing.” Boyfriend: “Oh so it’s gay thing.” Mickey: “Gum isn’t anything. It’s gum!” Obviously, I’m with Mickey on that, but on a subliminal level, I think the pink bubblegum embodies Mickey’s ambivalence about his still-buried sexuality. At the end, when he is closer to openly embracing his queer identity, he gives up the gum chewing.

This story contains lots of wordplay, puns, unusual destinations and strange characters. Do you think you could have written this book, exactly as it is, eleven books ago?

Exactly as it is? No. As you know, there are plenty of puns and strange characters in my early books. In fact, one of the reasons I liked being Pseudonymous Bosch was that I could be as silly as I wanted without feeling self-conscious about it. I hope, however, that I have learned to be simpler and more emotionally direct with time. As wacky as the Anti-World is, I tried to keep Mickey’s story straightforward (not to be confused with straight, of course!) and heartfelt.

Writers sacrifice a lot for their projects – time, energy, mental space. Is there something that this book has given BACK to you?

Yes. My name. It’s Raphael Simon, by the way. Not Pseudonymous Bosch.

In the spirit of the Anti-Book, please tell us five things you couldn’t do without.

Chocolate. I guess I am still Pseudonymous Bosch, after all.


New books.

Old friends.

My family. Well, most of the time.

Intereseted in more interviews with Mr. Bosch-Simon? Click here for a 2011 webcast/podcast, and here for a 2014 blog interview!

Illustrations by Ben Scruton. Images courtesy of Raphael Simon.

Olfactory Sorcery

dragons bloodEnter the realm of mystery, magic, spells, sorcery, and…smoked paprika. That’s right. Never underestimate the POWER of roast chicory! First, we made herbal amulets. Then we votes with our noses. The burning question? Which spice smells most like dragon’s blood? There was some serious sniffing going on at To Be Continued, our weekly story time for 6-8 year-olds.

We read Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones (Greenwillow Books, 1977). When Cat Chant and his older sister Gwendolen become orphans, Cat is quite happy to settle down quietly in their village. But Gwendolen is set on ruling the world, and writes a mysterious letter to a powerful enchanter named Chrestomanci. To Cat’s surprise (and Gwendolen’s glee), Chrestomanci agrees to adopt the children and raise them in his magnificent castle. However, when Chrestomanci and his constituents fail to fawn over the spoiled Gwendolen, she launches a vengeful campaign to create magical mayhem. Things get even more complicated when Gwendolen departs to a parallel world, dragging her double (a girl named Janet), into Cat’s world. It’s up to Cat and Janet to set right all the problems Gwendolen’s created. But in the process, they uncover Gwendolen’s worst plot yet – one that puts Cat in grave danger.

For the hands-on portion of our program, we made these nifty herbal amulets. You can find instructions for that project here.

amuletBut there was an additional olfactory activity! In Charmed Life (and, in fact, all the books in the Chronicles of Chrestomanci series) dragon’s blood is one of the most powerful and dangerous substances in the known worlds. It’s described as having a powerful, distinct, and horrible odor, even when it’s dried into a powder.

So while purchasing the herbs for the amulets, I also bought several strong smelling, reddish-brown spices (it was an interesting shopping day, let me tell you). In the end, I decided on chipotle, roast chicory, smoked paprika, hot cayenne, and sumac. I put each spice in a plastic glass with a label. During the program, the kids sniffed the glasses and voted on which one they thought smelled like dragon’s blood.

There was quite a lot of yelling, laughing, and carrying-on, but in the end, we had our winner…sumac!

dragons blood votingIf you haven’t read Charmed Life, or anyone of the other books in the Chronicles of Chrestomani series, I can’t recommend them enough. I love how Diana Wynne Jones writes her characters and create her magic. I love her sense of humor and her amazing descriptions. The Pinhoe Egg is a book I re-read annually, because it’s like visiting family. Conrad’s Fate comes in a close second. It’s a bit like Downton Abbey…with magic!