Visiting Percy Jackson…in Texas

Today, I am delighted to introduce guest blogger Dr. Miranda Sachs! Miranda studied History at Princeton University, and graduated in 2011. She worked extensively at our library, both in special collections and with me in community outreach. Miranda earned her PhD at Yale, and is now an assistant professor of European History at Texas State University.

That’s where she met Percy Jackson.

Or more accurately, that’s where she visited the Rick Riordan archive in Texas State’s Wittliff Collections. The collections “collect, preserve and present the cultural heritage of Texas, the Southwest & Mexico through works of the region’s storytellers—writers, photographers, musicians, filmmakers and other artists,” and Riordan’s papers and ephemera are part of the Southwestern Writers Collections (along Sandra Cisneros, Sam Shepard, Naomi Shihab Nye, Cormac McCarthy, and J. Frank Dobie to name a few).

Miranda found some incredibly cool stuff, and I will now turn the post over to her very capable hands. Take it away, Miranda!

Many, many years ago I was an undergraduate at Princeton and I had the privilege of working for Dr. Dana. It was the best job ever. I did things like glue lizards onto visors for a Holes watch party or tell jokes using a shark puppet. Dr. Dana introduced me to Percy Jackson and I loved the books. I even got to dress as a Greek lady for Princyclopedia, an event that Dr. Dana used to organize.

Miranda, on right, being fabulous. Department of Special Collections, Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University Library.

Since my time at Princeton, I’ve become a professor of French history. Imagine my surprise and delight when I discovered that Texas State, the university where I teach, has the personal collection of Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy Jackson books. I reached out to my old friend Dr. Dana and she sent me on a quest to check out what Rick Riordan sent to the Witliff Collections.

Because of the new Lightning Thief mini-series, the library has some of the highlights from Riordan’s collection on display. As soon as I walked in the door, I saw a shirt for Camp Half-Blood. The display case had a replica of Riptide used for the film and some neat photos of Riordan speaking to kids. It also had hand-written copies of stories Riordan wrote as a kid! The room where I got to look at the documents had art on display from the covers of some of the books.

The archivist let me look at some of Rick Riordan’s childhood stories. It turns out that Riordan was writing fantasy and mythology even back then. One story was about a god named Jzais living in a world called Tharcas. He wrote some of these stories by hand and others with a typewriter (yup, he was a kid before the computer.)

All the stories were on the original pieces of paper on which he’d written or typed. It was fun to look at stories he wrote in junior high school (back in 1978) and see comments from his teachers. One story called “The Ring of Fire” received 100/100!

Rick Riordan was a teacher before he was a writer. One of the boxes in the collection includes a photo album with pictures from the final class of students he taught in 2004. Six years later, he went back to visit the school and those kids were seniors. Many of them wrote letters sharing how much he had meant to them as a teacher. They still remembered the story of Gilgamesh because he had told it to them with funny voices. Multiple kids recalled that they had carried out a mock trial using Hammurabi’s Code in his class. It seems that Riordan was a creative teacher who got kids excited about the ancient world even before he published the Percy Jackson books.

My favorite thing to look at was fan letters from kids. Some of the kids were harsh critics. A 7th grader named Caitlyn complained that the books droned on, and it took too long to get to the exciting parts. A boy named Sean was confused why Percy was dry when he came out of the water given that his father was the sea god. Others asked great questions. They wanted to know his favorite character and his favorite band. A girl named Lauren asked “ARE YOU A HALF BLOOD?” Another girl was curious if he would consider casting Arnold Schwarzenegger as Zeus in the film adaptation. (Sorry.)

Mostly, the kids wanted to express how much they loved the books. By the time Sea of Monsters came out, Riordan was getting multiple letters each day. It was super cool to see evidence of how much those books meant to kids. It was also cool to think that Riordan chose to save the kids’ letters. He decided they needed to be preserved in the archive alongside his fancy prizes and the early drafts of his books.

Before I left, I asked to hold Riptide. It was surprisingly heavy. I guess I’m not a demigod…

Photo by Katie Salzmann

We would like to thank Texas State University for so generously sharing their collections, and to Miranda for being awesome (as always!). Miranda is also an author! She published a book all about kids in nineteenth-century Paris called An Age to Work: Working-Class Childhood in Third Republic Paris.

Collections images courtesy of Miranda Sachs

Elvis in Princeton

Some meetings are written in the stars! A few weeks ago, we were wrapping up a story time when I noticed a gentleman carrying a stuffed dog around the gallery. The way he was carrying the dog, grinning so happily, and just thoroughly enjoying the library seemed so significant, I struck up a conversation with him.

Turn out the stuffed dog’s name is Elvis. And the gentleman? It’s author and graphic artist Rodrigo Morlesin, who just released Luna Ranchera, his first children’s picture book in English!

Rodrigo is the very definition of ebullient. How do I know this? Well for starters, he doesn’t sign books in one color pen. He carries a rainbow assortment and enthusiastically signs in multiple colors!

We had a wonderful time getting to know Rodrigo and hearing about his adventures in the States. Later, I had a chance to ask him about his book, which is now proudly displayed on our shelves…

Hello! How did you find your way to the Cotsen Children’s Library today?

Sunny outside but sunnier inside the library! I came because of the recommendation of my friend Leonard S. Marcus, he told me about this oasis of books. In the beginning, I didn’t believe him about so many marvels… But he never lies so I decided to come and see it by myself!

And who is your handsome doggie companion?

He is Elvis, the main character of my first book Elvis Nunca se Equivoca (Elvis is Never Wrong), a middle-grade novel about a dog who lives on the streets but by accident is adopted by Ana and her family. I’m from Mexico, so my first book was published in Mexico and later in Turkey, China, Colombia, and Japan. It is illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura, one of the greatest Japanese illustrators. When the book came out I was very impressed because it received very good comments, like one from Barry Cunningham, the Editor who discovered Harry Potter: “Very funny and very lovely. It has a great heart and soul – and so charming!” So, this little guy represents so much to me and accompanies me on all my trips.

Tell us a little about your new book!

Oh! Let me introduce you to Luna and Ranchera… Mother and daughter… the world’s most beloved singing doggie duo. They are the main characters of my new book Luna Ranchera. This is my first picture book and my first book in English! And it can’t be better! Amazingly illustrated by Mariana Ruiz Johnson and published by Minerva (an imprint of Astra Publishing Group). I came to the US to have some presentations.

Your characters, Luna and Ranchera, overcome their hardships to follow their singing dreams. What advice do you have for little readers who have big dreams too?

Big dreams demand big efforts! This kind of effort fills our every day with joy and learning. This is what we call our passion To write, a sport, to dance, to cook… Any that you love to do and you would like to do forever… keep your passion, hug your passion, feed your passion! It doesn’t matter if it scares you a little, making your first cake can be scary, writing your first poem and reading it in front of the class can be scary… But remember: fear is a curtain that hides wonderful treasures. I learned it when I was scared with my first book.

Are Luna and Ranchera based on real dogs?

Yes, they are! How do you know it!? Did they tell you? Before the pandemic, I was on tour with Elvis in Colombia. I was staying at the house of my friends Leandro and Faber. And they have two dogs: Luna and Ranchera and a cat named Canela (Cinnamon) can you find Canela in my book?

They told me the story of Luna, who had been a wild dog who stole food from houses and trout from a hatchery to be able to support her puppies; Ranchera and her little siblings. A hard life for these dogs who inspired me to write this story. But the inspiration has strange ways to talk. Because the song “Crazy” by Patsy Cline inspired me to find the rhythm of the story.

Your books has an amazing serenade in it…have you ever performed the song yourself (and if not, WILL you)?

Oh! No! I’m the worst singer ever! You could cry with my singing and not for the right reasons! But Sara Lissa Paulson, the translator of Luna Ranchera sang this song during the presentation and she made all the people cry for the best reasons!

You are also a successful graphic designer…could you please tell us your favorite color and why?

Oh, thank you! I’m very lucky I had designed some famous Latin American children’s books, but now I work as a designer and editor at UNESCO in Mexico. I love my job because we work on very important matters like education, culture, science, and communication. So I’m very lucky!

Many many years ago I worked at a newspaper and I interviewed Stan Lee. He told me that he has a superpower. His superpower was to be lucky. when you are lucky everything works out for you. So, I like to think I have that superpower too!

My favorite color changes from time to time… Past year I loved the electric yellow!
This year I’m finding myself attracted to orange…But always the black color is one of my favorites. Which is yours?

I wanted to add a quick post note to the interview…a few days after Rodrigo departed, I received the most wonderful card and package stuffed with all sorts of fun Luna Ranchera things…including my now-most-favorite blue bandana. ¡Gracias Rodrigo, te apreciamos mucho! ¡Ven a vernos pronto!

Images courtesy of Rodrigo Morlesin

El Esqueleto

el esqueleto

Celebrate Día de Muertos with this jolly paper clip skeleton ornament! All it takes is 15 paperclips, paper, and a little glue!

You’ll need:

  • 15 paperclips
  • 1 rectangle of black poster board (approximately 4.75″ x 7.75″)
  • A number of yellow and gold tissue paper squares (approximately 3″ x 3″)
  • 1 snippet of ribbon (ours was 8″ long)
  • Scissors and squeeze glue for construction
  • Hole punch

The most important thing about this project is to use squeeze (i.e. liquid) glue. Glue sticks, alas, do not work! You’ll really have to glop the glue on to anchor the paper clips, but the good news is that everything dries clear and muy bueno!

First, punch a hole in the top of the black poster board rectangle. Next, glue crumbled yellow and gold tissue paper squares around the rectangle, making sure NOT to cover the hole you just punched.

Glop glue inside the rectangle, then arrange 14 paper clips to create your skeleton. The 15th paper clip gets unfolded and rounded to form the skeleton’s skull. Use hole punch remnants to make eyes, and a little snippet of paper to make the mouth.

Allow the frame to dry completely, then thread the ribbon through the hole. Done!