From Shôwanôto (Shôwa Notebook: Boy in flight); c.1920-1930. Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University Library.
It’s time for the annual #ColorOurCollections, hosted by the New York Academy of Medicine! Each year libraries, archives, and cultural institutions around the world share free coloring sheets based on their collections. Our previous submission included birds, alphabets, and super cute animals. This year, our intern Daniel Dias (a.k.a. Dandalf) curated a selection of trams, trains, and things that go!

From Eh Ich zur Schule geh,lern Ich das ABC:ein Bilderbuch for kleine Schulkinder und solche, die es werden wollen von Maria und Kaete Steinkamp. By Maria and Kaete Steinkamp. Duisburg : J.A. Steinkamp, c. 1915. Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University Library.
You can find our fantastic coloring pages here. But if you’re ready to hit the highway, may we suggest a few transportation projects? The journey begins with this blue truck…
But this being New Jersey, be prepared to pay some tolls:
If you’d like something a little more exotic, this Pickle Car might be just want you need:
But you can also fly (and pick up a few pies along the way):
The more adventurous can try this DIY zip line tram car…
…go old school with a covered wagon:
Or hop aboard and ride a chuffing steam train!
If your adventures kick up some dirt, no worries! Just stop by our story time car wash!