What’s In YOUR Wallet?

what's in your wallet

Can you guess the character who owns this wallet? That was the challenge at Cotsen Critix, our literary society for kids ages 9-12! First, we gave each kid an empty wallet. Then we invited them to construct a literary character’s wallet by including notes, photos, small objects, clever little clues, etc. The one thing they COULDN’T include? The name of the character!

The wallet activity is directly related to this cool hands-on historical endeavor at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, and also similar to the character books activity I blogged about in 2015. The wallet activity, however, feels more personal then the book activity…you can really imagine your character carrying the wallet in their hand, pocket, or bag.

The wallet activity is less expensive as well, as small wallets can typically be found at the Dollar Store, or purchased for a couple bucks on Amazon. The kids brought their completed wallets to one of our sessions, and we had a great time trying to figure out the characters…

And the wallet that started this post? The key, the comb, the archeology pamphlet, the caiman, the Incan ruins, and the Theodore Roosevelt Middle School identification card all point to that most intrepid adventurer, Addison Cooke! We read Addison Cooke and the Treasure of the Incas at our To Be Continued story time (and braved a seriously booby-trapped treasure vault as well!). It’s a fantastic, and highly recommended, read!