Hellooooo 2016!

hello 2016We’re ringing in the New Year with motorcycles jumping through flaming hoops! Oh yeah! Well…they’re construction paper flames. But still AWESOME. Yeah! Many thanks to Marissa for crafting the blog set.

Before we boldly leap into 2016, thought I’d take a stroll through the past year, beginning with this New Year’s post on conductive thread (your flannel boards will never be the same!). My favorite story times from 2015? The racing snails, the sushi restaurant, the show jumping course, the typewriter, the royal pizza, and for sheer calmness and beauty, the city of light. There was much laughter and yelling when our kid tester put this kit through its paces. And you guys really, really liked the lipogram fortunes.

In 2015 the BiblioFiles, our author interview webcast, expanded into a  a podcast!  My guests this year were Martin Kratt, Lissa Evans, and S.E. Hinton. There were also blog interviews, including the Biblioburro and the talented creators of Cozy Classics and Epic Yarns.

Finally, my favorite blog image from 2015. The pig marching band that Marissa crafted for this story time post. The clarinet! The big drum! The hats! Perfection.

pig marching bandHappy New Year everyone! Here’s to 2016!